Friday, June 27, 2008

Is there anybody out there?

So I've been debating if I should make anything of this blog. The problem is that it is hard to get people to actually read a blog. I don't want to just do daily posts about my life. Writing about myself is not something I particularly enjoy doing. I think if I am going to take the time to write on a blog, i want to feel like I'm doing more than just talking about me. I want to give people a reason to read it.

A friend suggested that I could just rant about Google all the time. That could be fun for a while, but I think I would run out of things to say fast. Another friend suggested that I could just make things up about Google to rant about. "Google stole my cat today." "Google walked through my living room with muddy shoes." Whatnot. Fun, but tiresome, I'm sure. At any rate I'm not sure I would want to take the time to actually write these rants.

Another friend suggested I go political. I have plenty of political things I could talk about, but I've found that nothing can ruin a friendship quite as fast as a political rant. I once had a blog that I ranted about political things on, and it was fun, three or four people read it. Not too satisfying. But I know that when I start to debate about politics, especially when challenged, I sometimes put my foot in my mouth, so until I learn not to do that, I will just steer clear of that topic.

I think the idea I liked the best was one that I came up with myself. I have always enjoyed writing, and I think I am a decent writer. With the exception of this post, which is being written at a very odd hour while I'm not doing what I'd like to be doing, namely, sleeping. I write very short stories for my family sometimes, and they have been very well received. So I have been tossing around the idea of writing a novel. I have a rough concept of what it would be about. I was thinking of posting it here, serial novel style, a few pages at a time. That way, people can give me feedback as I go, and I can change things along the way. I've started writing the aforementined novel, but I'm not more than 20 pages in, and only on the first chapter. I think I would like to actually get a few chapters written before I start to post here.

Anyway, if you actually stumble across this, drop me a comment below, and let me know if you think this idea is good or not. If you want to participate, you can leave a name, and/or description of a character you would like to see in my novel. If I see a spot to fit your character in, I will do so.


Zeke said...

A Novel is a great idea. I could be your editor. You should have a character named Zeke who is a bad guy of the main character. He's like a mad scientist. What genre of book will it be?

Adam said...

The book is going to be a post-apocalyptic setting. I haven't decided how sci-fi to go with it, or whether to keep it more mainstream, just set in the future in a post-apocalyptic world. I haven't gotten to the point where I need to make that decision.

Andy said...

that is a novel idea.

I'd like to see Sarah Angler, an outgoing thirty-something with fierce blue eyes and a chip on her shoulder. She grew up in the lower-middle class - provided for, but certainly not unfamiliar with a hard day's work. Her parents split when she was in fifth grade, and although it ultimately made her a stronger, more independent young woman, her teen years were tougher than most and included an identity crisis to end all identity crises. She's more than capable in this post-apocalyptic world, but maybe it's only because memories of better times have started to slip. ...or maybe they were never even there at all??

Adam said...

Sarah Angler will make an appearance.